Gallery 1
Gallery 2
Gallery 3
Gabriel Tudosescu - AFIAP
I am Gabriel Tudosescu in Bucharest. I have done no faculty of Art and Design, I did just Power. And I love what the do.
I can not tell which was my first camera because neither do I. I do not believe it.
First I played and I played until all became a passion play hard to beat. Why do I say that ?! Because it is not easy to like something beautiful. It requires work, patience, perseverance, time invested all your savings on equipment and professional sound coupled with desire and satisfaction of seeing your friends are thrilled by what they see, and therefore welcome surprise on their face not is recognized in photos
I am an observer of the soul, being the subject of my work. I like to think that the captured moments that give meaning words can not be expressed, highlight the personality traits of each well hidden in corners, individualizing another person as the daily dozându leave them in long needles proper intensity.
I participated in over 60 international exhibitions where we had over 300 exposures and took over 50 international medal. Not are a great artist and I think there until I have a lot of work but for me it is a great achievement and a great honor to exhibit the great artists of the world, given to me is only passion .... thank you
Artistic activity:
- CRYSTAL TROPHY "EUROFOTOART" - International Salon „Eurofotoart”
- 2 Silver Medal "Carol Pop de Szathmari" - International Salon „Eurofotoart”
- FIAP BRONZE MEDAL - Prize of the Fotoclub of Dabas - 1st International Photo Exhibition Dabas - Hongrie
- FIAP SILVER MEDAL - OSPC HM - Essence of Light 2015 Spring - Hongrie
- MENTION D’HONNEUR FIAP - 14ème salon international de Mayet - FRANCE
- CVDCC Silver Medal - 4 Honorable Mention - Coachella Valley Desert Camera Club
International Exhibition of Photography - 2015 - USA
- Best Female Portait Medal - Honor Award - 38th Greater Lynn International Color Exhibition - USA
- Honorable Mention - 42nd Westchester International Exhibition - SUA
- FIAP SILVER MEDAL - FIAP HM - OSPC HM - Green Eye - Hongrie
- PSA HONOURABLE MENTION - 2nd Cork International Salon of Photography - Irlande
- BRONZE MEDAL UPI - Omni Candid 12 Digital - Belgique
- FIAP HONOURABLE MENTION - 19th International Art Photographic Salon of Romania
- BRONZE MEDAL FIAP + FIAP H.M. - 3rd International Photocontest and Exhibition to the Day of Fidelity - Hongrie
- FIAP HM - 90° Salon Internacional de Otoño en Zaragoza - Espagne
- GOLD MEDAL PSA - The 6th Chung Ai International Salon of Photography - CANADA
- PSA HONOURABLE MENTION - 5th Luxemburg International Digital Contest
- GOLD MEDAL EFA, Shenzhen H.M. - 1st Shenzhen China International Exhibition of Photography 2014
- RPS GOLD MEDAL - FIAP H.M. - 16th International Photographic Salon Sibiu - Romania 
- FIAP H.M. - IVAF H.M. - Perspective Two - International Salon of Fine Art Photography 2014
- 2 Honorable Mention Ribbons - The 2014 California Pacific International Exhibition of Photography
- SILVER MEDAL PSA - Michael O'Sullivan's MCPF Medal - UPI Ribbon - 65th Midland Salon of International Photography - Birmingham/England
- 3 FIAP HM - 1 PSNY HM - 42nd PSNY International Salon of Color Photography - New York/USA
- GOLD MEDAL FIAP - F2 / 3° Salon Internacional de Fotografia - Argentina
- The 6th ICS International Digital Circuit - USA
- BRONZE MEDAL FIAP - 50e Challenge du P.C. Esch - Salon Mondial 2014 - Luxembourg
- GOLD MEDAL FZS - FIAP HONOURABLE MENTION - Ljubljana Photographic Salon 2014
- PSA HONOURABLE MENTION - Equinox One - International Salon of Fine Art Photography - INDIA
- BEST AUTHOR - International Digital Multi Circuit “MFVSZ” 2014 – Sfantu Gheorghe - 4 acceptari
- FIAP HONOURABLE MENTION - International Digital Multi Circuit MFVSZ 2014 - KOMÁROM
- SILVER Medal DPW - Color - SILVER Medal DPW - Woman - 3rd International Salon of Photography "Woman" - Novi Sad / Serbie
- GOLD Medal DVF - GIP Medal - Honorable Mention GIP - German International DVF Photocup - Deutscher · Internationaler · Photo · Circuit
- Honourable Mention - 68th Bristol International Salon of Photography 2014
- GOLD MEDAL - Materassi M. favorite - HM Ribon AAFR - DANUBIUS Best of CF, editia a II-a, Romania
- GOLD MEDAL PSA - 3° Concorso Fotografico Donna E … ITALIA , Salon Prize
- UPI Honorable Mention 2 - 2nd GREEK PHOTOGRAPHIC CIRCUIT 2014
-  PSA Ribbon -  Highly Commended - 3rd Port Talbot International Salon - Pays de Gales
- MFD SILVER MEDAL - 7th International Salon of MFD - Mersin Turquie
- 2 “PREMFOTO” PLAQUES - Salonului Mondial PREMFOTO 2013
- GOLD MEDAL & SILVER MEDAL Salon - 2nd International Salon of Photography "FKNS - GRAND PRIX 2013"
- UPI Honorable Mention - 7th Croatian International Digital Photo Salon - OSIJEK 2013
- PSA Honorable Mention - International Salon of Photography "MONTENEGRO"
- Special Prize of Photographic Art Exhibition Inetrnaţional FotoClubPro Arad ediția a III-a
- BRONZ MEDAL AAFR(monocrom) - Inetrnaţional Salon of Photographic Art of Arad FotoClubPro third edition of
- GOLD MEDAL FIAP - International Photographic Art Exhibition EuroFotoArt 5th edition 2013 Romania
- GOLD MEDAL AAFR - EVA XXI National Photographic Art Exhibition 2nd edition 2013 - Romania
- Poster paper - Exhibition of Photographic Artists in Bucharest 3rd edition - 2012
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